DatabaseID=[[DatabaseID]]|ContactID=[[ContactID]]|Friday, May 09, 2008


E-College Boot Camp (December E-News from 2SS.Com)





Dear [[Salutation:40]],


‘     [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]     ‘

‘     E – N E W S from    ‘

‘     2SS.Com     ‘

‘     Compiled and Edited by      ‘

‘                                               [email protected]     ‘

‘     Mailed on: 12/01/2001 10:13 PM                   Number 36   ‘

‘     Int’l Standard Serial No. - ISSN: 1523-3537‘    

‘     [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]     ‘


‘     Apologies.  The subject of this issue E-College   ‘

‘     Boot Camp was largely responsible for our     ‘

‘     missing of your November E-News.  In a moment    ‘

‘     you can read why…    


‘     Find E-News promoted at Excite, MSN,    ‘

‘     Yahoo, E-Bay, Ziff-Davis University and more.      ‘

‘     Please share E-News with others who might be     ‘

‘     interested.  It’s your FREE first-of-the-month, fast     ‘

‘     read, update on technology that aims to make a      ‘

‘     difference for your organization.     ‘


‘     In this issue (5 Items):     ‘

‘     ================     ‘

‘     1--E-College Boot Camp    

‘     2--QUESTIONS?      ‘

‘     3--PRODUCT WATCH    ‘


‘     5--WHY SUBSCRIBE? 2SS.Com &      ‘

          YOUR SUBSCRIPTION.     ‘


‘     [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]     ‘

‘     --------------------------Item One----------------------     ‘

‘                    E-College Boot Camp     ‘


‘     For five (5) extraordinarily fast weeks in October      ‘

‘     and November, I had the privilege to learn      ‘

‘     first-hand what it’s like to be an Internet-based      ‘

‘     student with the University of Phoenix (UOP).      ‘

‘     The purpose of the class was to put aspiring     ‘

‘     online instructors, like me, through the ropes to      ‘

‘     see if we have what it takes to cope.  And, it was     ‘

‘     more interesting, useful and effective than I     ‘

‘     imagined!    ‘


‘     UOP’s well-developed online model for its      ‘

‘     E-College uses several minimally-structured      ‘

‘     Internet newsgroups to create a remarkably     ‘

‘     effective classroom.  In each course there are      ‘

‘     locations (newsgroups) for The Main class,     ‘

‘     chatting, small-group learning teams, the      

‘     instructor’s materials (read but not write) and     ‘

‘     assignments (write but not read).      ‘


‘     Classes are led by instructors, that UOP’s     ‘

‘     process turns into an ‘online facilitators’ (the      ‘

‘     hopeful result of my just-completed training).       ‘

‘     Each class has from 8 to 14 students and      ‘

‘     typically lasts 5 weeks at the undergraduate      ‘

‘     level, or as long as 8 weeks for some graduate     ‘

‘     coursework.     ‘


‘     When class begins (UOP weeks always start     ‘

‘     on Wednesday), students find themselves      ‘

‘     learning to cope with 9+ different streams of    ‘

‘     thought (threads) on most every topic.  If the    ‘

‘     facilitator does his or her job well, the threads     ‘

‘     converge along pre-defined topic lines that     ‘

‘     create an uniquely intense, thorough, and     ‘

‘     effective learning environment.    ‘


‘     Remember when you last went to school?      ‘

‘     Imagine if everything you said to anyone was in     

’     writing and preserved online for everyone to      ‘

‘     read, review and comment on.  That’s the      ‘

‘     special challenge, and maybe some of the magic,     ‘

‘     that explains how and why UOP works.  It’s not     ‘

‘     traditional education, but it’s undeniably effective     ‘

‘     for those willing to put their writing skills to the     ‘

‘     test of such thorough scrutiny.     ‘


‘     UOP insures commitment to its offerings by      ‘

‘     requiring students and facilitators to be      ‘

‘     “present” 5 or more of every 7 days.  And there’s     ‘

‘     no forgiveness.  The computers keep track, and     ‘

‘     you qualify or suffer the consequences.       ‘

‘     Students with commitment problems are gone    ‘

‘     quickly since fees are not refundable after the      ‘

‘     first week.     ‘


‘     Maybe best of all is the ‘Anytime – Anywhere’      ‘

‘     approach this brings to education.  You can be      ‘

‘     student (or facilitator) from virtually anywhere     ‘

‘     that allows you to have access to the Internet.      ‘

‘     Traveling on business with a PC and modem      ‘

‘     makes you just as welcome and capable as     ‘

‘     someone with immobilizing disabilities,      ‘

‘     someone ‘who works at home in their     ‘

‘     pajamas, or someone who chooses to live     ‘

‘     in a geographically remote area.     ‘


‘     This is the kind of revolutionary change in the     ‘

‘     model of how to provide education that we    ‘

‘     at 2SS.Com have been anticipating for years.      ‘

‘     And after 5 weeks of E-College, I’m convinced     ‘

‘     it’s here to stay in a very big way.  Watch for     ‘

‘     more on E-College at UOP as I continue next     ‘

‘     to a  mentorship (facilitate a class with an     ‘

‘     experienced facilitator “watching” my every move).   ‘


‘     Late update:  As this issue is being finalized, I’m     ‘

‘     advised that starting mid-January I’ll be teaching    ‘

‘     in a ‘mentee’ (e.g. try-me-out) role with a yet to be    

‘     assigned ‘mentor’.  Wish me luck!



‘     [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]     ‘

‘     --------------------------Item Two-----------------------      ‘

‘     QUESTIONS?     ‘

‘     -------------------------------------------------------------     ‘


‘     We love to find, collect and especially make     ‘

‘     use of good ‘rules-of-thumb’ as some long-time     ‘

‘     readers know.  Here’s one on digital cameras    ‘

‘     that may be very valuable if you’re in the market…    ‘


‘     To post small pictures on the web almost any  

‘     camera is OK.  For 8” X 10” images be sure to get    ‘

‘     at least a 3 megapixel camera.  And, for better     ‘

‘     quality 8X10’s or larger, you need at least a 4     ‘

‘     megapixel camera.    ‘ (PC Magazine –     ‘

‘     Forward Thinking 11-17-01)     ‘



‘     NOPE!  Our advice remains the same.  If you’re     ‘

‘     buying a new PC consider it.  Otherwise don’t’     ‘

‘     upgrade unless you are upgrading from    

’     Windows 95, 98 or ME.    ‘


‘     In different terms, if you have Windows 2000    ‘

‘     hold on for Windows - Next!     ‘



‘     If you own (\|/ see below) you can or can’t…     ‘

‘                             XP    XP  ‘

‘                             Home  Prof‘

‘   ========================  ====  ====‘

‘   Windows 3.1               NO    NO  ‘

‘   Any Evaluation Vers.      NO    NO  ‘

‘   Any Server Version        NO    NO  ‘

‘   Windows 95                NO    NO  ‘

‘   Windows 98/Win. 98 SE     YES   YES ‘

‘   Windows Me                YES   YES ‘

‘   Windows NT® Wrkstat. 3.51 NO    NO  ‘

‘   Windows NT Wrkstat.   4.0 NO    YES ‘

‘   Windows 2000 Prof.        NO    YES  ‘

‘   Windows XP Home Ed.       n/a   YES  ‘

‘   Windows XP Prof.l         NO    n/a



‘     Some of our 2SS.Com clients are just coming    ‘

‘     out of the Excite at Home and AT&T Broadband     ‘

‘     services (formerly Comcast) debacle.  It was      ‘

‘     getting ugly on the day before when we     ‘

‘     contacted AT&T to see what was up and the     ‘

‘     support folks were re-assuring (e.g. they had     ‘

‘     NO IDEA).  Then service was knocked out and,     ‘

‘     fortunately, our clients had a dial-up alternative    ‘

‘     in place.   About 3 days later, AT&T was getting     ‘

‘     things going again despite some media      ‘

‘     warnings to the contrary    .‘


‘     The final result seems to be the death of     ‘

‘     Excite@Home, and a take-over that AT&T was     ‘

‘     more ready to implement than, apparently, the      ‘

‘     now-dying company realized.     ‘


‘     As for our customers, their service is restored-if      ‘

‘     a little spotty.  We suspect that with a little     ‘

‘     time, AT&T will get it all right again and they’ll      ‘

‘     make a little more than before, too!     ‘



‘     [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]     ‘

‘     ---------------------Item Three-------------------------      ‘

‘     PRODUCT WATCH     ‘


‘     $16.04 on a LABTEC MICROPHONE?

‘     What’s interesting about that is not the micro-    ‘

‘     phone--it’s the money I saved talking with my      ‘

’     friend in Jakarta, Indonesia.  Last January, I     ‘

‘     spent about 45 minutes on the phone with him     ‘

‘     via MCI.  The bill was over $100, and I vowed to     ‘

‘     change my ways.  Recently, we needed to talk,      ‘

‘     and he suggested using Microsoft NetMeeting      ‘

‘     via the Internet.  $16.04 later, we were having      ‘

‘     a very acceptable conversation at the pre-    ‘

‘     arranged via E-mail time.   The choppiness     ‘

‘     of the switchovers prompted us to begin (like     ‘

‘     old-time radio operators) to routinely say ‘Over’.    ‘

‘     But once we did, the conversation was clear     ‘

‘     and understandable.  And for a one-time invest-    ’

‘     ment of $16.04, I can put up with injecting a      ‘

‘     few otherwise un-natural ‘Overs’ into my     ‘

‘     conversation.    ‘



‘     My Indonesian friend’s son stayed with us a    ‘

‘     few months ago for several weeks.  I was only    ‘

‘     a little surprised that, while he was here and his      ‘

‘     girlfriend remained in Indonesia (14,000 miles     ‘

‘     is my idea of geographically undesirable!), it      ‘

‘     didn’t stop them from being ‘in-touch’.  In fact,    ‘

‘     they communicated most every day via Instant      ‘

‘     messages, or remarkably cheap prepaid phone   

‘     cards, enabling them to use the normal telephone     ‘

‘     system for literally pennies a minute.    ‘



‘     If you have any plans to acquire new PCs, it’s a     ‘

‘     great time.  We have one client that was going      ‘

‘     to acquire one new device but decided to,     ‘

‘     essentially, get two for just over the eight-     ‘

‘     months-ago price of one.  That’s a 1,000MHz     ‘

‘     PC with 256 MB RAM and 40GB hard disk      ‘

‘     for $600 (no monitor).    ‘


‘     WOW!     ‘



‘     [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]     ‘

‘     ----------------------Item Four--------------------------      ‘


‘     -------------------------------------------------------------     ‘


‘    1.

‘         BeamedStats monitors your web site to tell     ‘

‘         you a lot about what’s going on there for FREE.    ’


‘         The hard part of using the service is getting the     ‘

‘         following code correctly entered into your www    ‘

‘         pages.    ‘


‘     <!--Start Copying Here-->    ‘

‘     <a href="">    ‘

‘     <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript">     ‘

‘     <!--var refer='<img src=" Beamed ID)'     ‘

‘     var
document.writeln(refer+'&'+data+'" BORDER="0">')     ‘     //-->     ‘

’     </SCRIPT></a>     ‘

‘     <!--End Copying Here-->     ‘


‘          But when you do, you get the easy and we       ‘

‘          think good part including data on:…

‘     *  Visiting Hosts     ‘

‘     *  Visiting Countries     ‘

‘     *  Visiting IP Addresses      ‘

‘     *  Screen Resolutions       ‘

‘     *  Screen Colors       ‘

‘     *  Hourly Traffic Graph       ‘

‘     *  Stats in YOUR Timezone      ‘

‘     *  Search Engine Breakdown       ‘

‘     *  Javascript Compatibility      ‘

‘     *  Most Popular Day of Week       ‘

‘     *  Graphical Counters       ‘

‘     *  Referring Web Pages/URLs       ‘

‘     *  Average Load Time Of Site       ‘

‘     *  Average Visit Length       ‘

‘     *  Keeps Stats For A Full Week       ‘

‘     *  Graphical Browser Breakdown       ‘

‘     *  Operating Systems       ‘

‘     *  Total Visitors by Day/Month       ‘

‘     *  and more!!!       ‘


‘     2.

‘          Is a place to get tools to enhance     ‘

‘          www pages and E-mails.  They have all    ‘

‘          of:    ‘


‘          Emoticon List

‘          Abbreviations and Acronyms

‘          Wing and Webdings

‘               Wingdings

‘               Webdings

‘          Animated GIF Library


‘     3. is at the    ‘

‘          leading edge of Microsoft’s new ‘.NET’ strategy   ‘

‘          ‘.NET’s been getting a lot of press in the       ‘

‘          technical world.  If you go there you can to     ‘

‘          send weather updates, reminders, news and   ‘

‘          more to your portable device.  We get the      ‘

‘          weather every morning at 9:00am followed      ‘

‘          by news headlines right on a portable      ‘

‘          Motorola StarTac phone.     ‘


‘    4.  www.Yodlee.Com will manage and remember     ‘

‘         your growing database of user names and     ‘

‘         passwords to access Internet sites.  Just log on    ‘

‘         to your Yodlee account and go wherever you      ‘

‘         want with their secure service opening all the     ‘

‘         doors you usually stop remembering names      ‘

‘         and passwords for.     ‘


‘    5.  E-Books?  If you have MS reader, there is an     ‘

‘         amazing and growing library of FREE classics    ‘

‘         and not-so-classics available in E-Book format.     ‘


‘         Get MS Reader at: . This 2.0 version will even     ‘

‘         read to you on your multi-media equipped PC.     ‘


‘         Adobe has a reader, too, at:      ‘


‘         Then get Reader compatible books at:    ‘

‘     ‘

‘    ‘

‘    ‘

‘     ‘

‘    ‘

‘     ‘

‘     ‘



‘     [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]     ‘

‘     -------------------------Item Five-----------------------      ‘

‘                         WHY SUBSCRIBE?    ‘

‘            2SS.Com & YOUR SUBSCRIPTION    

‘     -------------------------------------------------------------     ‘

‘     We intend to make the E-News from 2SS.Com     ‘

‘     come to life” by soliciting your comments,     ‘

‘     suggestions and interests to direct the informa-     ‘

‘     tion we choose to share. Already on our      ‘

‘     ‘watch-list’ are:    ‘

‘     *  Artificial Intelligence     ‘

‘     *  Speech Recognition     ‘

‘     *  Small network Internet connectivity     ‘

‘     *  Computer Telephony Integration.      ‘


‘     Maybe the best reason to subscribe is     ‘

‘     the ‘E-News Strategic Technology     ‘

‘     Advisory Panel’, a group of profess-     ‘

‘     ionals in a variety of disciplines, who      ‘

‘     have agreed to:     ‘

‘     1--Review each month’s issue in      ‘

‘         advance of its release.     ‘

‘     2--Contribute year-round from their      ‘

‘         respective areas of specialization.    ‘

‘     3--Accept your strategic systems      ‘

‘         technology questions.  (This is a free    ‘


‘         multi-discipline resource available to you.)     ‘


‘     [email protected]     ‘

‘     Computer Hardware and Software     ‘

‘     Acquisition, Service and Repair by       ‘

‘     Ron Ellis of 2SS.Com.    ‘


‘     [email protected]     ‘

‘     Accounting and Financial expertise inclu-     ‘

‘     ding Audit, Tax and General Business      ‘

‘     Consulting by David Ljung, Principal at      ‘

‘     Gilbert Accountancy Corporation.  Visit      ‘

‘     them at     ‘


‘     [email protected]     ‘

‘     Perspectives from a long-tenured, technically      ‘

‘     savvy and top-notch MIS Director Morris     ‘

‘     Slocum of Emergency Physician Billing     ‘

‘     located in Oklahoma City, OK.    ‘


‘     [email protected]     ‘

‘     Human Resources expertise, including     ‘

‘     problem employees, policy and procedures,     ‘

‘     and customized training by B.J. Flora of .    ‘

‘     B.J. Flora Associates.    ‘


‘     [email protected]      ‘

‘     Computer network design, implementation,    ‘

‘     maintenance and support by Ron Ellis,      ‘

‘     Managing Director of 2SS.Com.    ‘


‘     [email protected]      ‘

‘     Computer and printer rentals of all     ‘

‘     types by Rick Randall, President of     ‘

‘     RenTech Computers.  Visit them at      ‘

‘      www.RenTechComputers.Com.    ‘


‘     [email protected]       ‘

‘     Corporate and professional skill training    ‘

‘     by Ann McCandless, Owner and founder      ‘

‘     of Computer Assistance. Visit them at     ‘

‘     www.CA-Training.Com      ‘


‘     [email protected]     ‘

‘     Strategic Planning, turnarounds, marketing   ‘

‘     analysis, and litigation support by Peter H.   ‘

‘     Michael, President of The Michael Consulting    ‘

‘     Group.  Visit them at    ‘


 ‘     It’s FREE to SUBSCRIBE / UN-SUBSCRIBE?     ‘

‘     E-News from 2SS.Com aims to provide      ‘

‘     you with timely and interesting ideas     ‘

‘     that help you identify and implement      ‘

‘     strategic systems.  You can SUBSCRIBE FREE      ‘

‘     by sending a message to     ‘

‘     [email protected] with the subject      ‘

‘     ‘Subscribe’.  To un-Subscribe, enter the  ‘

‘     subject ‘Un-Subscribe’ or ‘Remove’.     ‘


‘     Our commitment to subscribers is to      ‘

‘     not waste your time.  If you have     ‘

‘     questions, comments, or suggestions     ‘

‘     for technologies that interest you, please    ‘

‘     send a message to [email protected] .       ‘

‘     (A sample issue is available by fax or by mail     ‘

‘     upon request. Please fax requests to      ‘

‘     916-966-1962 or  send a stamped self-     ‘

‘     addressed envelope to 2SS.Com at P.O. Box      ‘

‘     163391 - Sacramento, CA  95816.)      ‘


‘     Please advise us of any changes to our     ‘

‘     current contact data for you.  It is:     ‘

‘     Contact: [[Contact:26]]     ‘

‘     Company: [[Company:25]]     ‘

‘     Title: [[Title:46]]     ‘

‘     Address: [[Address 1:27]] [[Address 2:28]]     ‘

‘     City: [[City:30]], State: [[State:31]]  Zip: [[Zip:32]]     ‘

‘     Phone: [[Phone:35]]  Fax: [[Fax:36]]    ‘