DatabaseID=[[DatabaseID]]|ContactID=[[ContactID]]|Friday, May 09, 2008

STRATEGIC NICS & IMAGES (June E-News from 2SS.Com)





Dear [[Salutation:40]],


‘     [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]     ‘

‘     E – N E W S from    ‘

‘     2SS.Com     ‘

‘      Compiled and Edited by      ‘

‘                                             [email protected]     ‘

‘      Mailed on: 06/01/2000 8:54 PM                   Number 23   ‘

‘     Int’l Standard Serial No. - ISSN: 1523-3537‘    

‘     [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]     ‘


‘     Find E-News promoted at Excite, MSN,    ‘

‘     Yahoo, Ziff-Davis University and more.      ‘

‘     Please share E-News with others who might be     ‘

‘     interested.  It’s your FREE first-of-the-month, fast     ‘

‘     read, update on technology that will make a      ‘

‘     difference for your organization.     ‘


 ‘     In this issue (4 Items):     ‘

‘     ================     ‘


‘     2--PRODUCT WATCH     ‘

‘     3--QUESTIONS?      ‘


‘     5--WHY SUBSCRIBE?, 2SS.Com & YOUR    ‘

‘         SUBSCRIPTION.     ‘


‘     [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]     ‘

‘     --------------------------Item One----------------------     ‘

‘                   STRATEGIC NICS & IMAGES

 ‘     -------------------------------------------------------------     ‘

‘     Throwing out your old NICS (network interface      ‘

‘     cards) in order to make them consistent may not      ‘

‘     seem strategic.  How about insuring that you     

‘     ONLY purchase similar ones in the future?     ‘


‘     However, the inescapable conclusion for this     

‘     convert to the cause is that you can’t afford     ‘

’     NOT to be consistent.  The simple reality is    

‘     that as you get to have more than 3 or 4      ‘

‘     computers it will take you at lest 3 hours and      ‘

‘     as much as 6 to perform all the installation,      ‘

‘     set-up and customization you’d like to make     

’     the PC work.  (At 2Ss.Com we typically charge     ‘

‘     3 to 6 hours for new PC set-up or older PC     ‘

‘      conversions, the old ones are tougher.)     ‘


‘     OR     ‘


‘     You can achieve productivity like:     ‘

‘     *  Putting a new PC into productive service      ‘

‘        in less than 30 minutes of receiving it as a     ‘

‘        new blank (no operating system) computer.     ‘


‘     *  Repairing a slowing PC or one with      ‘

‘        demonstrably corrupt software to ‘Fresh-and-     ‘

‘        ready’ again in less than 30 minutes.     ‘


‘     *  Being able to transform network workstations     ‘

‘        from one standard installation set-up to a new     ‘

‘        one (e.g. Windows 95 to Windows 2000,     ‘

‘        Office 97 to Office 97 SR2 or Office 2000.)     ‘


‘     In each case the answer to delivering this kind     ‘

‘     of productivity is standardizing on one or two     ‘

‘     network interface cards, and using imaging     ‘

‘     software (like Symantec Ghost).     ‘


‘     The standard network cards allow you to do      ‘

‘     the key and most difficult thing in the process      ‘

‘     which is to make a ‘network bootable’ diskette.     ‘

‘     Translation with one diskette you can start any     ‘

‘     PC (even a blank one) and give it access to      ‘

‘     your Windows NT, 2000 or Novell NetWare      ‘

‘     network.       ‘


‘     The process of creating a network bootable     ‘

‘     diskette is more mysterious than most would      ‘

’     prefer, but well worth the benefits.  In our      ‘

‘     experience vendors are willing to help with      ‘

‘     step-by-step instructions which we received      ‘

‘     from NetGear by asking for then in an E-Mail      ‘

‘     message to support on their WWW site.  About      ‘

‘     3 to 6 hours later we had a working and copy-    ‘

‘     able network boot disk.     ‘


‘     At 2SS.Com we recently were successful in      ‘

‘     following NetGear’s instructions for their      ‘

‘     NetGear 310 TX card and we’ve previously done     ‘

‘     it for another client’s 3Com 3C905B 10/100      ‘

      cards.  This means that our client can buy     ‘

‘     these 10/100 cards for under $40 or $50 each      ‘

‘     and as a result copy complete ‘ready to use     ‘

‘     images’ from the network to the new or in need of     ‘

‘     repair PC.     ‘


‘     After you have the network bootable diskette the      ‘

‘     process of creating a standard PC image takes      ‘

‘     some time but is very straightforward.  You     ‘

‘     simply take or make a blank PC and build it up      ‘

‘     into a standard that you’d like to start or re-start      ‘

‘     each new PC with.  If you customize individual     ‘

‘     software programs with names, addresses, auto-     ‘

‘     text lists, templates, Internet connection set-up,    

‘     etc. you add more and more value to the image      ‘

‘     and save more and more set-uptime on each new      ‘     PC.    ‘


‘     At 2SS.Com we have a procedure to save a      ‘

‘     person’s old settings (sometime called the PC’s     ‘

‘     personality) rebuild the PC and then replace      ‘

‘     the personality.  On many occasions we’ve been      ‘

‘     able to completely rebuild a PC without the user     ‘

‘     noticing any change EXCEPT a dramatically     ‘

‘     better working PC.     ‘



‘     [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]     ‘

‘     --------------------------Item Two----------------------      ‘

‘                            PRODUCT WATCH

‘     -------------------------------------------------------------     ‘


‘     Nokia's service, based on the Wireless      ‘

‘     Application Protocol or WAP, should allow      ‘

‘     mobile network operators will be able to offer     ‘

‘     the games to customers by the end of this year.       ‘

‘     Nokia's 'Entertainment Developer Program', a key     ‘     part of the service is specifically aimed at      ‘

‘     providing tools to game developers including     ‘

‘     a construction toolkit, APIs, documentation     ‘

‘     and sample source code.       ‘


‘     Nokia reports that online games are just the     ‘

‘     beginning of its efforts to meet the expected     ‘

‘     demand for new services from users as the     ‘

‘     Internet becomes available remotely. By the      ‘

‘     end of 2003, the company forecasts that      ‘

‘     more people will access the Internet via a      ‘

‘     wireless device than via a personal computer.     ‘

‘     Nokia also sees as much as 30 percent of its      ‘

‘     future revenue coming from that exploding     

‘     wireless market.     .



‘     POINT AND KNOW!    ‘

‘     iGo is a very interesting company      ‘

‘ that calls itself a mobile     ‘

‘     technology outfitter.  One product that caught      ‘

‘     our eye is the definition/translation pen.  For      ‘

‘     $300 dictionary or $225 translation you can point     ‘

‘     and scan over any printed word with one of their      ‘

‘     language specific devices and get a definition      ‘

‘     or translation in Spanish, French, German or       ‘

‘     Italian.     ‘



‘     [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]     ‘

‘     -------------------------Item Three---------------------      ‘

‘                               QUESTIONS?     ‘

‘     -------------------------------------------------------------     ‘


‘     E-NEWS FROM 2SS.COM EVER?    ‘

‘     The last!  Apparently our thoughts on      ‘

‘     ‘INTELLECT WILL BE ETERNAL’ struck a few     

‘     cords.  Thanks for the feedback and the      ‘

‘     encouragement.     ‘


‘     It any of your thoughts inspired you to wonder      ‘

‘     about the future of technology please share     ‘

‘     your ideas.  We’ll try to pick up the theme again   

‘     but it would be terrific to be aided by your    

‘     thoughts, interests and contributions. ‘     



‘     [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]     ‘

‘     -----------------------Item Four-------------------------      ‘


‘     -------------------------------------------------------------     ‘

‘     www.XYPoint.Com lets you bring the Internet to      ‘

‘     any wireless digital phone set up for short      ‘

‘     messages.   Right now stock quoted, weather      ‘

‘     even a joke are available any time you ring the     ‘

‘     special number they assign you.  Call it from      ‘

‘     your phone’s memory and presto Internet news     

‘     on your portable phone.     ‘



‘ where     ‘

‘     you can Join ZD-Net for FREE And get::    ‘

‘     *  A onebox account with voicemail,      ‘

‘     *  e-mail & fax service      ‘

‘     *  Downloads - over 50  Windows programs, for      ‘

‘        members only    ‘

‘     *  Access to an eCircles account with over      ‘

‘        50 MB of storage space     ‘

‘     *  Digital coupons & special offers on top products     ‘



‘     www.Garage.Com, www.NVST.Com and     ‘

‘ help you develop your    ‘

‘     business plans and get your ‘.COM’ start-up off      ‘

’     the ground.     ‘



‘     Other new business start-up sites include     ‘

‘     www.Edie-OnLine.Com (Specialized in getting      ‘

‘     capitol for existing businesses),      ‘

‘ which owns domain      ‘

‘     names with ‘compare’ in them and has a mall     ‘

‘     concept you can propose to be included in.       ‘

‘     Final stops might be www.TheStartUpZone.Com     ‘

‘     (find a categorized list of start-ups) and      ‘

’     www.Inc.Com with an extensive array of      ‘

‘     discussion groups.     ‘


‘    www.BigVine.Com, www.BarterTrust.Com and www.Ubarter.Com are three of a growing number of sites where you can go to barter for goods and services.



‘     [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]     ‘

‘     -------------------------Item Five-----------------------      ‘

‘                         WHY SUBSCRIBE?    ‘

‘            2SS.Com & YOUR SUBSCRIPTION    

‘     -------------------------------------------------------------     ‘

‘     We intend to make the E-News from 2SS.Com     ‘

‘     “come to life” by soliciting your comments,     ‘

‘     suggestions and interests to direct the informa-     ‘

‘     tion we choose to share. Already on our      ‘

      ‘watch-list’ are:    ‘

‘     *  Artificial Intelligence     ‘

‘     *  Speech Recognition     ‘

‘     *  Small network Internet connectivity     ‘

‘     *  Computer Telephony Integration.      ‘


‘     Maybe the best reason to subscribe is     ‘

‘     the ‘E-News Strategic Technology     ‘

‘     Advisory Panel’, a growing list of     ‘

‘     professionals in a variety of disciplines   ‘

‘     who have agreed to:     ‘

‘     1--Review each month’s issue in      ‘

‘         advance of its release.     ‘

‘     2--Contribute year-round from their      ‘

‘         respective areas of specialization.    ‘

‘     3--Accept your strategic systems      ‘

‘         technology questions.  (This is a free    ‘


‘         multi-discipline resource available to you.)     ‘


‘     [email protected]     ‘

‘     Computer Hardware and Software     ‘

‘     Acquisition, Service and Repair by       ‘

‘     Ron Ellis of 2SS.Com.    ‘


‘     [email protected]     ‘

‘     Accounting and Financial expertise inclu-     ‘

‘     ding Audit, Tax and General Business      ‘

‘     Consulting by David Ljung, Principal at      ‘

‘     Gilbert Accountancy Corporation.  Visit      ‘

‘     them at     ‘


‘     [email protected]     ‘

‘     Perspectives from a long-tenured, technically      ‘

‘     savvy and top-notch MIS Director Morris     ‘

‘     Slocum of Emergency Physician Billing     ‘

‘     located in Oklahoma City, OK.    ‘


‘     [email protected]     ‘

‘     Human Resources expertise, including     ‘

‘     problem employees, policy and procedures,     ‘

‘     and customized training by B.J. Flora of .    ‘

‘     B.J. Flora Associates.    ‘


‘     [email protected]      ‘

‘     Computer network design, implementation,    ‘

‘     maintenance and support by Ron Ellis,      ‘

‘     Managing Director of 2SS.Com.    ‘


‘     [email protected]      ‘

‘     Computer and printer rentals of all     ‘

‘     types by Rick Randall, President of     ‘

‘     RenTech Computers.  Visit them at      ‘

‘      www.RenTechComputers.Com.    ‘


‘     [email protected]       ‘

‘     Corporate and professional skill training    ‘

‘     by Ann McCandless, Owner and founder      ‘

‘     of Computer Assistance. Visit them at     ‘

‘     www.CA-Training.Com


‘     [email protected]     ‘

‘     Strategic Planning, turnarounds, marketing   ‘

‘     analysis, and litigation support by Peter H.   ‘

‘     Michael, President of The Michael Consulting    ‘

‘     Group.  Visit them at    ‘


‘      [email protected]     ‘

‘     Internet WWW authoring, database     ‘

‘     development and connectivity by    ‘

‘     Michael Nelson, President of SacWeb..      ‘

‘     Visit them at www.SacWeb.Com.     ‘


‘     It’s FREE to SUBSCRIBE / UN-SUBSCRIBE?     ‘

‘     E-News from 2SS.Com aims to provide  ‘

‘     you with timely and interesting ideas     ‘

‘     that help you identify and implement      ‘

‘     strategic systems.  You can SUBSCRIBE FREE      ‘

‘     by sending a message to     ‘

‘     [email protected] with the subject      ‘

‘     ‘Subscribe’.  To un-Subscribe, enter the  ‘

‘     subject ‘Un-Subscribe’ or ‘Remove’.     ‘


‘     Our commitment to subscribers is to      ‘

‘     not waste your time.  If you have     ‘

‘     questions, comments, or suggestions     ‘

‘     for technologies that interest you, please    ‘

‘     send a message to [email protected] .       ‘

‘     (A sample issue is available by fax or by mail     ‘

‘     upon request. Please fax requests to      ‘

‘     916-966-1962 or  send a stamped self-     ‘

‘     addressed envelope to 2SS.Com at P.O. Box      ‘

‘     163391 - Sacramento, CA  95816.)    ‘


‘     Please advise us of any changes to our     ‘

‘     current contact data for you.  It is:     ‘

‘     Contact: [[Contact:26]]     ‘

‘     Company: [[Company:25]]     ‘

‘     Title: [[Title:46]]     ‘

‘     Address: [[Address 1:27]] [[Address 2:28]]     ‘

‘     City: [[City:30]], State: [[State:31]]  Zip: [[Zip:32]]     ‘

‘     Phone: [[Phone:35]]  Fax: [[Fax:36]]    ‘